Dearest booklover,
I'm Aisling Magie, a writer who writes romance. To put it simply, my books guarantee three things: humor, heartbreak, a definite happily ever after. If that's something you're interested in, I invite you to check out my books, I promise I won't disappoint.

(This page will be updated with any new achievements, so it'll probably be lengthy to read. If you're up for that, grab a snack and curl yourself in your favorite chair.)

I started writing in 2015 while I was at college. I finished my first book in the same year but it was so "amazingly written" that no one wanted to read it [insert eye-roll here]. Disappointed, I swore not to write again but, as I have come to believe writers do not choose stories, stories choose the writers—I continued.

April 24th, 2016 (a Sunday, because all great works start on Sundays), with no intention of writing something that'll ever be published, I opened a word document and started typing another story, 'Silent Music' which went to my brave editor in 2017. Finally, on the beautiful sunny day of September 30th, 2019, with the widest smile on my face and a sweaty finger, I pressed publish. And here, I was born. A tiny, five-foot, newbie romance writer who believed she had stories that'd make people fall in love.

At this point, my brain was weaving stories at the speed of lightning but my fingers could not type fast enough. This time it was a romantic comedy, a genre that I love a little more than the other subgenres of romance. On July 30th, 2020 'Darling, Dance with me' a novella of 31K, ventured into the world, and one particular blogger (ML Book Blog) said, "This is hands down the funniest rom-com I've read in a while." Isn't she sweet?

2021: I'm gonna write a road trip book! Why? Because I've never been on a road trip. So my mind was set—I was going to write an over-the-top road trip book where the characters travel on unknown roads, kidnap a dog, get mugged, stab someone (in the ass, mind you!) and get their heart broken. Only it wasn't as easy as I thought it'd be because part 2 of the book was sucking at my soul. I stopped writing a thousand times (and started another story in November 2021: My December Balcony Neighbor) and got back to it to write bits and pieces.

2022 (Part 1): Yeah, the road trip book was still being written. And I reached a point where I was fed up and couldn't even look at the folder on my laptop, let alone open it to continue writing. But since I had already spent money on it, I told myself, let's finish the edits, press publish and forget about it; because at that point, I was convinced readers were going to hate it.

Fast forward June 25th, 2022 when ARC readers were reviewing SBHaG and on this beautiful day, Jasmine wrote, "This book. Wow. Just WOW!!! In case anyone’s wondering, I’ve reread Somewhere Between Hello and Goodbye SEVERAL times before finally plucking up my courage to sit down in front of the desk and try putting my thoughts into words because no reviews well-written will do this masterpiece justice." Wait, WHAT? I had to read this several times to believe it. My book? A masterpiece? Pfff ... and they say Red Bull gives you wings? Try your work being called a MASTERPIECE!

2022 (Part 2): Yeah, this is the year that'll go down in the history of my life. I can barely write a book in a year and here I was publishing TWO books in the year 2022. Another wish ticked from my Wishlist, to write a Christmas story. If you don't know me well enough, I'm obsessed with Christmas stories—the cheesier, the better. And right now, I'm getting ready to polish My December Balcony Neighbor—a cheesy, cute, heartwarming Christmas novel.

That's all from me—for now.

Until the next update, happy reading.

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